Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Room 14's Post on Thursday, 29 June 2017

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We are designing games to help others learn about geometry. These boys are making their game using Scratch. Total focus! Some are making board games or physical games. Hopefully next term we can get some feedback from other classes and add the games to their maths areas.

Minecraft by Laura

Minecraft is a video game. You cannot go into the TV.

If you go on creative you can get blocks right away. If you're in creative then you can fly!!!
With blocks you can build houses and shelters from rain and thunder.

In survival you have to mine blocks to get the block.Also you can kill pigs,cows,sheep to get meat! If you run low on health then you just eat food. Also there’s mobs like skeletons,creepers,zombies,slimes. Other things can kill you like drowning and lava.

Engineering by Sam

Rov (Robots)  are used to look round under the sea. Some time the current pulls the rov away.
Rovs are used big nails out
The rov go down and up on cables. The gas they get is used to make car’s go. The oil that thay get is use to make ships go.The engineers have special training to know what to do in a emergency (like when the helicopter crashes,if the ship is on fire,if the lifebo dustin deploy).Kids can be engineers to but they have to be19+ the end.


Computer coding by Daniel

Computer coding
Computer coding is a way to make games. There is a number of different types of computer codes like scratch,html,python and sense hat and javasript.

The history of computers.
In 1937 the model k adder was made, 1939 the hp 2000a was made. The first handheld calculator was invented, in the first world war mark 1 is completed. The first apple computer was made in 1976.

Coding is a way to make games, One type of coding is scratch. Scratch is a type of coding for beginners. Here is a photo of what scratch looks like.
I am also going to show you what html looks like.

Complex coding.
Some types of coding is complex,like python and sense hat and javasript. Python is similar to Html, here is a photo of sense hat.

Scratch is the basic type of code  that kids use all over new zealand,
but why scratch? Scratch is great because it comes with instructions.The instructions is good because it  tells you how to make the project, but you do not always need instructions because you can make up a project. There is also sprites,sprites are objects that you can program.
Here is a photo of a sprite.
The sprites are thing that you can  Program but there is more to programing because there is data blocks that you  can make scores,points etc. There are also backgrounds like rivers and caves and castle etc.

Who made computers.
Who made computers? Ada lovelace made the first computer and she also made the first facts machine Here is a photo of ada lovelace’s computer

Computer games. There is lots more to coding like computer games like,,moo,johnny math page and hooda maths.
The end

By Daniel!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Zoos by Sara

Zoos can't make the space that animals have in the wild. Mainly bigger animals suffer from this. So that's why some animals don't like being in a zoo.

Zoos can't give the animals the food they would have had in the wild. Just like lions and tigers who can't have raw animal meat so instead they have beef. A lot of beef.

Zoos rescue animals if they're hurt or in danger in the wild. Sometimes the zoo keepers even make names for the animals.

The zoo keepers give out maps of the zoo so you can find the animals since it is a big zoo. The Wellington Zoo has a vet and you can sit on the steps outside and listen to what's happening inside. You can also look through the window and see what they're doing. When you go to a zoo you might see cute animals, dangerous animals and ugly animals. But no matter what they look like you always enjoy seeing them.

S.P.C.A by Katya

The SPCA is a special place where they rescue animals and take care of them until they're better and they can give them away to good homes. However they do check what's wrong with them because if they don't they won't be able to cure what 's wrong with them and who knows what will happen then? (definitely not good things!).

If you want to help or even just take care of a pet for a while you have to give it lots of love and affection. That is your job! If you want to help by getting a job at the SPCA and say you got put on litter duty with the pets you've got to pick up the litter daily (every day).

If you want to adopt a pet you've got to feed it daily. As some pets are very picky with their food their food has to have some mixes in it. Anytime your pet feels lonely you've got to play with it until it's happy again! (Plus you've also got to be gentle).

If you want to get a kitten or a cat it's a lot more on your hands than a little furball! You've got to feed it and play with it and let it jump on your lap to cuddle you. When the kitten (or cat) gets stressed out or angry the best thing to do is leave it alone until it calms down.

Small animals such as birds, mice, bunnies and maybe fish are small and might as well hide when they're scared. They're very hard to find. You may as well search in the smallest place because they might be there! You have to be good to them and make sure that they get used to the house in no time!

Room 14's Post on Friday, 23 June 2017

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Some wonderful collaboration happening with our buddy class to create a mural that will hang in the hall. They have read different Maori myths and legends and each have a different god or character from a book to illustrate. I'm looking forward to seeing the end result!

Scratch by Harper

Scratch is a computer programmer website just like python, javascript, Html and sense hat. To program a computer you use computer code. You can even make games. Scratch uses sprites. Sprites are objects that can be programmed with different types of blocks.

What are the boundaries of Scratch?,Well there none. How far can you go in scratch? Just let your imagination run free,you can make a ballerina dance,a dinosaur walk You can even make your own characters.

The one question who made Scratch, while it was Mitchel Resnick and the MIT idea lab.I do not know how long it took to make scratch. I know that it took a long long time.I know that people worked day and night to make and put all the coding together. Which is a lot.   

On scratch you use blocks to make your characters/sprites/objects do stuff. Motion blocks make your characters/sprites/objects move or point in any direction.The main directions are 90,-90,0 and 180.  Look blocks which change the look of your character/sprite/object. Look blocks can also change the the color of your characters. Sound blokes make your characters/sprites/objects make noises. Pen blocks leave a pen trail behind  your character's/sprites/objects. You can also change the color of the pen trail. Data blocks create (scores/lives/time etc),for your characters/sprites/objects. You can make it when one of your data blocks equals something - you  can lose a game. Event blocks start your scripts which start the program. Control blocks can control part of the script and can be very useful. Sensing block are yousen when something is touching something else. Operation blocks are very useful but it’s hard to explain what they do. The last block section is the new block where you make and program blocks.

Here is a simple Scratch program.This underwater theme is very simple to create.
Themes also known as backdrops in Scratch. Backdrops are used for making backgrounds just like sprites can be. Backdrops are like (castle, rivers, caves and the ocean).

This is a platypus sprite.
You can program sprites to do almost anything you want, with different blocks. The different kind of sprites are (apples,fish,sharks etc). Sprites are one of the most important parts of a program. Sprites can also be animated,by changing their costumes. Some sprites only have one costume. You can paint your own sprites likes snakes. You can also upload and take photo to make sprites.

Scratch games can from real games like is tank game where you shoot balls at other players.
This is an upgraded tank.

This is You can make on Scratch. is snake game where you try eating food and other snakes. You can also make on Scratch. a bit like but you are a circle and you can split up and little balls to feed other players.

Sometimes scratch projects don’t work. It may because you have drawn something the wrong way round or it’s a problem in the code.

On Scratch I have made a game Newt game. On the Newt game you try and get through tunnels without touch the spikes.The Newt game is infinite, that means it goes on forever.You can not go through the cave wall.
This is a happy Newt.  =)

By Harper.

Movies by Jake

Movies are entertaining and you can learn from them. You can even learn from cartoons. Movies are exciting and enjoyable.

How movies are made! Movies are made with hundreds of pictures, 24 pictures combined equals a second of movement. The history of movie making began in the 1890s, the motion camera was made of wood, glass, metal and more stuff.

In the olden days, movies were black and white with no sound but then they made progress and there were movies that had sound that was loud and clear. Films in the 1890s were under a minute long until 1927 when motion pictures were with no sound. Now in our days, we are very lucky to have movies that have sound and colour!

Some movies are based on a real story and some are animated. Most children like animated movies because they are funny and you can learn from them.

Movies are much better from the olden days to now, they make people laugh, be happy and you can learn lessons from movies.

The sky by Brooke

The sky is important because otherwise we won't have sun, rain and rainbows. In Wellington it rains a lot. When the clouds stick together it makes rain because the clouds float down. Clouds have different colours. They have different colours because it means it is sunrise or sunset or dark grey clouds mean it's raining. Rainbows have seven different colours. The colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blueindigo and violet. Rainbows come after rain when it is sort of sunny but the clouds are still dark.

Zoos by Ella

Zoos are so much fun and did you know that sometimes you can hold the animals and feed them too. They have nearly all the animals in the world except dragons and sometimes they name the animals. Also did you know that zoos can't give the animals food they get in the wild like lions they can't have zebra meat. At the thing where you order there is also shops and in the shop there are really cute stuffed animals toys and keyrings. I love the zoo and I think you would like it too. They also give out maps to show where the animals are. Zoos can't make the space that animals have in the wild. When you go to the zoo you might see cute animals and dangerous animals and there's animal families. The zoo is such a great place.

Orcas by Max

Orcas are the most powerful predators in the sea their teeth can grow up to four inches long.The orca does not particularly attack humans. They go on shore to catch their prey. They swim in pods up to 30.Female orcas give birth to one baby orca roughly once every 5 years.  Some have been in captivity from 1961. If an orca is injured they will make it better and they help them to not go extinct. They are marine mammals so they don't lay eggs and they feed on seabirds. Orcas can camouflage using their colours. If the black is on the top of the sea predators can’t see orcas and when the white is below the sea predators can’t see it too. by Finlay is a fun game that most people like to play. You play it inside on a computer
There are different types of tanks. Some are bosses. Tanks fire stuff. Tanks can fire bullets, traps, drone’s and minions. Minions fire bullets. The bosses names are Fallen overlord, Defender, Summoner, Sallen booster and Guardian of the pentagons. There are lots of player tanks but there are too many to include in this page. You can upgrade in to different tanks so like level 15 Sniper then level 30 Overseer then level 45 Overlord. You can also press y to see which tanks you want to upgrade to.

There are also things called polygons polygons are triangles, pentagons or
squares. Some Polygons are alpha pentagons which are a bigger version of the pentagons and some are crashers they are pink triangles which attack you. Some are also green squares, green triangles and green pentagons. Squares give you 10 xp, triangles 25 xp, pentagons 130 xp, alpha pentagons 3000 xp, small crashers 15 xp, big crashers 25 xp, green square 1000 xp, green triangles 2500 xp, green pentagons 13000 xp, and everything else doesn't go green. And last of all xp means the stuff you need to level up and upgrade.

There are 8 different game modes. The first one is 2 teams when there are 2 teams and red and blue bases. At the red base there are undefeatable drones that attack tanks who are not their color and same with the blue base and the tanks just battle each other. The next one is 4 teams it is the same but with 4 teams. The next one is FFA when there is just a big box and they battle each other and there is no teams.There is also maze game mode and it is basically the same as FFA except with maze walls.The next one is survival it's basically like last man standing. Also there is domination when there are 2 teams and 4 dominators. You get the dominators by killing them then anyone can take control of the dominator by pressing h but you can kill the other teams dominators than they return to normal and whoever gets all the domaters wins. There is also tag that is basically like 4 teams but without the bases and if you kill someone they become on your team. And the last one is sandbox where you can instantly level up and test out different tanks. is cool. THE END.     

Animals by Keira

Pandas: Most pandas live in China. They eat bamboo and they're big. Pandas can climb the bamboo and hide in it while eating a delicious snack.

Koala: Most koala live in trees. They eat leaves and they're small. They carry their babies on their back.

Huskies: Huskies look like wolves and they eat food like dog food and meat. Huskies are also very big and fast.

Meerkats: Meerkats are small and they dig holes, They also attack snakes and they're a little bit harmful.

The end.

Space by Ruby

Hi I'm going to be your visualising guide about space. I'm going to tell you first about astronauts. Astronauts sleep in sleeping bags joined to the spacecraft so they don't float away. When astronauts brush their teeth the water comes out in little blobs, the toothpaste does the same.

Now we are going to learn about the sun. dun dun dun......The sun is 4.6 billion years old. The sun is a yellow dwarf. The sun is billions and billions of kilometres away from the earth. Kilometres under all the gas on Jupiter there is rock. The sun is younger that Uranus.

This is the end of the visualising guide. Bye bye.

Roblox by Matthew

Roblox is a game there is robux in the game. Roblox has roblox studio that means you can create a game it has anything you want and you can search stuff. Roblox has servers you can join other people servers. You have friends the max is 200. Roblox shows how many friends you have. Roblox has lots of games and at Roblox you have favourite games. Plus you can be a guest. I don't like guest because they don't have an account name. I like signing in for Roblox. I like cool characters and I like to design characters.

Glaciers by Trelise

Glaciers start as ice and when they go over one summer they turn into a pretty glacier. Sometimes it's in odd places. When you go to some glaciers they make you put on weird clothes. Most glaciers are in cold places. A glacier is like a bumpy stream of ice it moves very slowly. Sometimes it hits the sea. Glaciers have pretty rocks. I've been to Fox Glacier and all this information is coming from Fox Glacier. You have to walk a lot and then you get to the pretty. It's even prettier in the sun. Fox Glacier is in the South Island of New Zealand.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Room 14's Post on Thursday, 22 June 2017

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Room 14 worked really hard to create 5 different geometric art works based on optical illusions and folded together into a cube. It required a lot of focus and concentration along with learning new skills like using a compass to draw circles. They should feel very proud of their creations.

Room 14's Post on Thursday, 22 June 2017

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Room 14 made this beautiful Korowai with Miss Steel yesterday during out myths and legends rotation. Everyone had to work together to create this masterpiece.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Room 14's Post on Monday, 5 June 2017

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Last week room 14 looked at some geometry problems. The first one was 'Is a square a rectangle?' They had to work in small groups to record the properties of squares, rhombuses, parallelograms and rectangles. The groups then shared their ideas and we had a discussion to try and answer our question. We also had to decide if a square was a rhombus, if a rectangle was a parallelogram etc etc. we thought about symmetry, sides and angles to help us decide. We nearly all agree that a square is a rectangle! We then moved onto 3D shapes and had to choose the odd one out from a sphere, a cylinder, a cuboid and a square based pyramid. This involved lots of discussion about the various properties of the shapes. Everyone had to apply reasoning to back up their opinion and agree on only one odd thing out in the group. Every single group decided the sphere was the odd one out. One student said any of them could be and we realised that not all problems have a right or wrong answer. Check out the videos below for some of our thinking on 3D shapes.

Room 14's Video on Monday, 5 June 2017

Room 14's Video on Monday, 5 June 2017

Room 14's Video on Monday, 5 June 2017

Room 14's Video on Monday, 5 June 2017