Thursday, June 22, 2017

Scratch by Harper

Scratch is a computer programmer website just like python, javascript, Html and sense hat. To program a computer you use computer code. You can even make games. Scratch uses sprites. Sprites are objects that can be programmed with different types of blocks.

What are the boundaries of Scratch?,Well there none. How far can you go in scratch? Just let your imagination run free,you can make a ballerina dance,a dinosaur walk You can even make your own characters.

The one question who made Scratch, while it was Mitchel Resnick and the MIT idea lab.I do not know how long it took to make scratch. I know that it took a long long time.I know that people worked day and night to make and put all the coding together. Which is a lot.   

On scratch you use blocks to make your characters/sprites/objects do stuff. Motion blocks make your characters/sprites/objects move or point in any direction.The main directions are 90,-90,0 and 180.  Look blocks which change the look of your character/sprite/object. Look blocks can also change the the color of your characters. Sound blokes make your characters/sprites/objects make noises. Pen blocks leave a pen trail behind  your character's/sprites/objects. You can also change the color of the pen trail. Data blocks create (scores/lives/time etc),for your characters/sprites/objects. You can make it when one of your data blocks equals something - you  can lose a game. Event blocks start your scripts which start the program. Control blocks can control part of the script and can be very useful. Sensing block are yousen when something is touching something else. Operation blocks are very useful but it’s hard to explain what they do. The last block section is the new block where you make and program blocks.

Here is a simple Scratch program.This underwater theme is very simple to create.
Themes also known as backdrops in Scratch. Backdrops are used for making backgrounds just like sprites can be. Backdrops are like (castle, rivers, caves and the ocean).

This is a platypus sprite.
You can program sprites to do almost anything you want, with different blocks. The different kind of sprites are (apples,fish,sharks etc). Sprites are one of the most important parts of a program. Sprites can also be animated,by changing their costumes. Some sprites only have one costume. You can paint your own sprites likes snakes. You can also upload and take photo to make sprites.

Scratch games can from real games like is tank game where you shoot balls at other players.
This is an upgraded tank.

This is You can make on Scratch. is snake game where you try eating food and other snakes. You can also make on Scratch. a bit like but you are a circle and you can split up and little balls to feed other players.

Sometimes scratch projects don’t work. It may because you have drawn something the wrong way round or it’s a problem in the code.

On Scratch I have made a game Newt game. On the Newt game you try and get through tunnels without touch the spikes.The Newt game is infinite, that means it goes on forever.You can not go through the cave wall.
This is a happy Newt.  =)

By Harper.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harper
    Thabks for your great information report. I learnt a lot about Scratch. You made Scratch really interesting and I really want to try it out myself. Perhaps, since you know so much about it, you could show me sometime
    (Daniel's mum)
