Thursday, February 22, 2018

Room 14's Post on Friday, 23 February 2018

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We are getting an idea of how high the masts are on the Spirit of NZ. Today we watched the trainees climb the mast and will be writing our final journal entries about it. 30m is quite high!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Week 3

Week 3 was a busy week. We had a fun trip to POW park, had our first Chapter Chat on Twitter, and started learning about the Spirit of Adventure ready for our virtual field trip next week exploring hauroa through a sailing adventure.

The Chapter Chat was lots of fun. A couple of hundred schools participate across NZ and some international. We all read the same book (The Terrible Two) and do a range of tasks related to certain chapters each week. We share our tasks and answer questions during the Twitter chat on a Friday morning. I think they will love sharing their learning with such a wide audience (we only follow other schools) whilst also learning about safe, respectful and responsible sharing online.

We have also been learning about what a good mathematician does. This week we were focusing on how our brain is really working at its best when it is being challenged and making mistakes. We have also talked lots about how we collaborate in a problem-solving group and help all members to share their ideas. To start with we are focusing on place value through our number of the week. These photos show groups trying to double and halve our number of the week.

Aisling was the recipient of the Principal's award for Room 14. I have been impressed with how she is supporting the learners that are new to the Kiwi syndicate in our class.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

POW park

What a beautiful day for a walk to the park! I was so impressed with how Room 14 and the Kiwis managed themselves to walk safely and sensibly and play with each other so nicely.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Room 14's Post on Monday, 12 February 2018

Easy Blog Photo
First ideas about Hauora or well-being

Room 14's Photo on Monday, 12 February 2018

Easy Blog Photo

Respect skit

Respect skit

Respect skit

Respect skit

Respect skit

Respect Part 2

Task: Form statues in groups. The statutes have to show respect. 

We are showing respect to nature by planting.

We are showing respect to our friends by helping them when they slip on a banana peel.

We are showing respect by helping each other cross a road safely.

We are showing respect to our parents and house by doing the dishes.

We are showing respect to our environment by picking up rubbish.

Respect Part 1

Task: think of a respectful person. What do they say or do that shows respect?

Isla L is respectful because she looks after people when they get hurt and she gets lots of work done.

Otis H
Sam C is respectful because he thinks of other people and he is very kind.

Matilda because she is kind and is a great person to work with. She listens to other people and gives you time to talk.

My dad because every time whenever I have a question he answers it and he listens to me when I talk.

My mum because she is respectful to furniture and she uses her manners.

Isla F because she helps me when I am stuck.

Noah because he listens to my ideas.

My mum because she always tidies up my room.

Isla L
Grace because whenever I am stuck she helps me and she is a good friend to people.

Julia because she always treats people with kindness, she listens to other people, she is always so caring.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Syndicate assembly

We had our first syndicate assembly for 2018 today. Room 14 hosted and Isla L and Jamie were wonderful, confident presenters. Otis B also talked about how a group of students is trying to problem solve an issue we are having in the Kiwis when students are playing football outside the Kiwi village and it makes it difficult for others to play there. They are writing a letter to Ms Rhodes asking for permission for year threes to use the netball court. Can't wait to hear the outcome. Here is a pic of some of our wonderful learners who were recognised by their teachers this week.

Athletics training

Two mornings a week we do our Athletics rotation. This involves throwing (tennis ball targets, vortex and quoits), sprinting, agility, jumping and skipping. It is great to see all students actively participating and trying hard to improve their skills.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Orchard time

We took our learning outside this afternoon since it was such a lovely day and spent a bit of time drawing or writing in the community orchard.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Some of our curious questions!

Class Treaty

This week we are developing our class treaty based around five ideas; Collaboration, Curiosity, Risk-taking, Self-managing and Respect. We are exploring each one and thinking about what that would look like in our classroom. 

On Friday we talked about Collaboration. We think this means working together, adding on to other people's ideas, listening to other people's ideas and helping people. We did a bridge building challenge and reflected on how we collaborated (see videos below). 

Today we explored Curiosity. We think in our class that would look like asking questions, learning about new things, being interested and wanting to find out information about people, places or things. We did some different activities such as making Hulk hands (baking soda and vinegar in a glove), makey makey (programming using Scratch to make playdough musical instruments), oobleck, magnets, kinetic sand, electric circuits using brainbox.  From doing these activities we came up with questions and also thought about other things we wanted to find out about. 

Then we played with fire! Well, we did the tea bag rocket experiment. Over and over until we ran out of tea bags because it is just that much fun!